Improving biomedical research by automated behaviour monitoring in the animal home-cage
Animal use for scientific purposes is guided by the principles of 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction, Refinement)
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Aims of the Teatime Action
The aim of this Action is to bring together European organizations developing and using automated home-cage monitoring technologies
Novel and emerging technologies allow 24/7 collection of behavioural data in their home cage. However, addressing the complex problem of monitoring the full 24-hour behavioural repertoire of a rodent still presents many challenges, with each technology having its strengths and limitations. This Action combines experts in mouse behaviour, laboratory animal science and data science, to critically and transparently assess the potential of these technologies.
Access this expertise through our Q&A forum
Research Coordination
- Work Groups 1 and 2: By using the network, complete a comparison of the current state-of-the-art and future requirements for home-cage monitoring (HCM) systems by surveying of the wider community, performing a literature review and collecting information about current research using HCM
- Work Group 2: Determine strengths and future requirements for HCM by comparing experimental design and parameters measured in members’ laboratories and sharing the baseline data collected
- Work Groups 2 and 3: Develop a common understanding of the technical and scientific improvements needed, based on evaluation of existing HCM systems and collaboration with small and medium enterprises (SMEs) responsible for technical improvements who are part of the Action
- Work Group 3: Determine ways to potentially integrate datasets from the different HCM systems available to Action participants
- Work Group 5: Communicate results of comparisons and evaluations to the wider research community and inform stakeholders, to help promote the use of HCM
Capacity Building
- Develop a new network of researchers and other stakeholders across Europe to reduce fragmentation of HCM development and share best practice on their development and use (WG1).
- Establish stakeholders and communication channels and possibilities for knowledge transfer to promote the emerging field of HCM research (WG4-WG5).
- Encourage the use of HCM by using the breadth of knowledge and expertise available in the network to exchange knowledge through training (WG4) and communication and dissemination (WG5)
- Develop new lasting forums to bridge behavioural and data science to achieve breakthroughs in the integration and analysis of complex data sets (WG3)
- Establish a European network of mouse behaviour analysts ensuring representation from Early Career Investigators and researchers from countries with less capacity in the field of home-cage monitoring including ITC (WG1)
Available Grants
Here's how you can get involved with the Teatime Action' activities. From training schools to conferences join Teatime in one of our upcoming events
Open Call for Young Researcher and Innovator (YRI) Conference Grants
08th August 2025
Are you a Researcher or Innovator (under 40 years old)? Do you work in an area related to home-cage monitoring and want to attend an international conference to present your work?
Open Call for ITC Conference Grants
08th August 2025
Are you a Researcher or Innovator from an Inclusiveness Target Country (ITC)? Do you want to attend an international conference to give an oral presentation on your work related to home-cage monitoring?
Open Call for Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs)
08th August 2025
Do you want to visit a laboratory in another country to work with home-cage monitoring?
Upcoming events
Here's how you can get involved with the Teatime Action' activities. From training schools to conferences join Teatime in one of our upcoming events
There are currently no scheduled events
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Action Results
Here are a list of available documents produced by the Teatime Action for you to download. View our full list of documents on the resources page
Join the Action
Have expertise that will shine in our COST Action? Applications can be made through the COST website