There will be another session involving home-cage monitoring of laboratory animals at the Measuring Behavior 2024 conference, The 13th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research (15-17 May, 2024, Scotland) called »Digital Innovations in Home Cage Monitoring, Advancing Animal Welfare and Pharmaceutical Development«. The event will commence with an insightful exposition, elucidating the underlying technology of these digitally ventilated cages. The session will offer a deep dive into the ethos of home-cage concepts, emphasizing the tangible benefits they bring in terms of assisted welfare following the 3Rs model. Following this introduction, the next speaker will share his experience with assessing the capacity of monitoring home-cage activity in studies of nerve injury and recovery. The audience will be introduced also to the integration of Artificial Intelligence in animal research. The symposium will conclude with a presentation on the multicentric study concerning polyuria detection.